Handgun Range Info & Schedules
If you are looking for a location to shoot your handgun and perfect your skills, our 50 meter 8 station range is for you. Our range is open to members and non members. You can shoot basically any caliber hand gun and rim fire rifles. You will need Eye and Ear protection.
Non members must have a Range Safety Officer (RSO) present on site when shooting on both the pistol and rifle ranges. If you arrive and the gate is open and there is not RSO present, please check in at the club house. Members that have not completed the First Shots Program must also have a Range Safety Officer (RSO) present on site when shooting on the pistol range. The Safety Orientation is conducted once per month by the Pistol Range Safety Committee and is for Members only. Note: the Orientation is not required for Rifle Range use.
Public and members who have not completed First Shots hours are:
Thursday - 11:00am - 2:00pm
1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month
from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm
Sunday - 10:00am - 2:00pm
Non-member shooting fees are $15/hour with a $15 minimum. For all shooters, the Rifle House has foam ear protectors available for $1, safety glasses for $5, and targets for $1.
Direct any Handgun Range questions to Dale Molnar
Please include your cell phone in the E-Mail.
Shooting events that are occurring on the range are:
Rimfire Classic, which is open to members and non-members, we invite anyone to come out and try it! Check our calendar for dates and times. No open shooting is allowed during Rim Fire Challenge events, starting at 4:00 pm Thursdays, and all day on scheduled Saturdays.
Registration for all shoots will be online using Practiscore.com.
Youth Group League
The youth marksmanship program meets Wednesdays, starting March 13th at 6 PM. Register today at nbscyouth@gmail.com.
Pistol League
We have a pistol league at the club! Come on out and try it out. Please check the calendar for dates and times!
3 GUN at North Bristol Sportsman Club
Come out at experience NBSC newest shooting sport! Ever shoot a pistol, a shotgun and an AR-15 all in one event? We have a fun and challenging course that is friendly to the beginner and still challenging to the seasoned shooter.
3-Gun League will be once per month on Saturday, from 8 am to 4 pm, with set-up for 3-Gun the Friday before at 5 PM. The pistol range will be closed for this event. Please reference the club calendar for dates.
Pistol: .22 to 45cal
Shotgun: 12g or 20g, 7 ½ bird shot
AR-15: 5.56/.223 NON-GREEN tip
Bring what you have and try it out. You WILL have a BLAST!!!