About Us
Imagine a time, back in the 70’s when a few guys sat around, over a beer, and talked about starting a Gun Club. They scraped together a few bucks when times were tough. They were young then, raising young families and working hard. It was a big undertaking, but they were committed to having fun too.
So they started showing up at one guy’s farm and started a trap league. Then they decided they needed more room, so they went to the bank as a group and bought some land, from a guy who is still an active club member. Once they paid for that, they bought more land from the same guy, a piece that used to have a Sulky track for horse racing, probably a better use than for the skeet field that is there now. Then they moved a converted chicken coop, on a couple telephone pole skids from the original site to the new land. Dragging it down the road with a tractor and taking the long way so they wouldn’t get noticed. Yeah, nobody noticed.
Next came the fundraising. Life Memberships were set up to get some working capital. Incorporation papers were signed; we sold beer and made food for income, all the stuff that comes with supporting a passion. Fundraisers like fish fry’s, our famous smelt fries, annual fall shoots, horse pulls, banquets, raffles and the like were organized and the next thing you know, permanent facilities, a club house was built by Pabst Blue Ribbon, and the story continues. Many fledgling company owners dedicated time and resources to make it all happen.
We still have many of these folks around, and admiration for what they have and continue to accomplish. With great passion, they unselfishly dedicate valuable time, effort and personal expense to benefit the Club and its members… just to make the Club a better place for us to hang out.
We offer special thanks to those who came before, and a challenge to those in the future to preserve something very special: North Bristol Sportsman’s Club.
Thanks for stopping by, and be safe.
See you at the club